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Live plants

We have an arrival.

We created our plants list 6 months ago. Together we researched the plethora of species foliage types, flower colours and habitat preferences. Of course, such studies can rarely review aesthetics alone but also the life cycle and growth habits must be considered.(Will we have flowers!? -We must have flowers!) After weeks spent carefully navigating the sea of written and spoken opinion, we shook hands and agreed on our list.

And for months it was just that, a list, names and photos in a neat table on a neat piece of paper. This list was the only material evidence we had of our leafy vision.

This week that all changed. An order of over 800 plants was placed and days later we were sharing the greenhouse with Well several boxes actually, boxes of tiny weeny live plants, packed and delivered right to our doorstep!

And so here we have it, hundreds of seedlings, mini-me versions of the plants we have selected for our garden design. For a moment we will just stare at our cardboard boxes, awestruck, imagining how these trays of little youngsters will grow and flourish, providing us with the vigorous plant life glory we envision for in a few weeks time!

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